Air-Dried Lumber: Lumber that’s been stored in an enclosed area for any length of time. The minimum moisture content of this lumber is 12 to 15 percent, though in the South it can be no lower than 19 percent. Airway: The space made between roof boards and insulation in order for air to move. Anchor…
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The Popularity of Old Barn Wood
Today, most building lumber comes from tree farms, cut by machine and heavily processed, but a hundred or more years ago, the wood used to build structures was not only rough cut, or hand cut, but it was old growth forest. And if you’ve never seen a kitchen or living room built with these hand…
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Decorating with Wood Beams
Wood beams are a stunning addition to any home. On top of their beauty, they also add character and a sense of history wherever they are used. And if the cost of real wood causes you to pause, there are other options out there. Structural beams can be framed in decorative wood to create the…
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Install Finish Carpentry
Anytime you’re undertaking a major home improvement project, it feels good to get the dirty work done. Of course, when you’re finished with that, there’s always the lingering need to install trim work and wood casings in order to finish up the job and make it look professional and presentable. Trim Work 101 Moldings, also…
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Wood Veneer: An Upside to Being Shallow
No one can deny the aesthetic appeal of hardwood. It adds character and authenticity to homes, furniture, and even automobiles. The sticker price is, of course, quite high. What some people consider even more daunting is the toll that harvesting hardwood takes on the environment. Because of these factors, many consumers are considering other options….
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Nothing is More Sought After Than Birdseye Maple
Birdseye maple gets its name from its unusual appearance, in which tiny swirling “eyes” disrupt the regular flow of the natural wood grain. No one knows exactly what causes this unique look, and since there are no clear indicators for what causes it, it is also a very difficult type of maple wood to find….
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Is It Better to Paint or Refinish Woodwork?
Should you take the time and effort to sand and refinish woodwork or paint it? The least expensive treatment would be to live with the current color and simply touch up with stain and varnish it. It is fine to leave some rooms stained and paint others, as long as there are definite breaks. It…
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The Sky’s the Limit with Architectural Millwork
Few homeowners realize what architectural millwork can do for the interior and exterior of their home. In fact, few homeowners realize what millwork even is. Architectural millwork is seen in any place in your home where you find wood that has been milled in designs that enhance the appearance of your indoor or outdoor spaces….
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Types of Wood: Redwood Projects
Don’t let the fact that redwood is softwood fool you. This wood’s got it where it counts. Redwood may not be the wood for hardwood flooring, but it’s highly natural resistance to decay, shrinking, and warping make it the premium softwood available to homeowners. Some woods may be structurally durable and other woods may be…
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Designing and Installing Your Fireplace Mantel
A fireplace mantel conjures images of warm winter evenings, a quiet night with a good book, or a romantic fireside dinner. There is little wonder why family pictures often center around fireplaces; there is something strong in the connection between the hearth and heat of a home and the metaphoric heart. The focal point, of…
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