Imagine: driving rain and a window-rattling crack of thunder jolt you awake. You notice the lights flicker, but they come back on and you think to yourself, “no harm done,” and go back to sleep. But the next morning you oversleep and your alarm clock is flashing “12:00.” You have been the unfortunate victim of…
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Preparing for Lighting Installation
Lighting installation varies quite a bit depending on the individual demands of different projects. Some of today’s most popular lighting projects, like low-voltage lighting installation, are simple enough that many homeowners choose to do it themselves; others, like recessed lighting installation, are simple in theory, but difficult to get right. The following facts and tips…
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Outdoor Outlets and Faucets 101
Outdoor electrical outlets are now pretty much a standard feature on any home. Same goes for an outdoor faucet. What doesn’t always come standard are necessary safety features and homeowner common sense. In order to avoid disaster when it comes to your outdoor electrical outlets and your exterior faucets, it is important to educate yourself…
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Ground Fault Interrupters Keep up the Code
In elementary school, we all learned about electrical safety hazards. And we all probably heard the same scenarios: radios falling into bathtubs, blow dryers dropped into sinks, holding a power tool in the rain. However, these stories have come true too many times. This is why in certain areas of the house, especially areas around…
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Ceiling Fan Installation
A ceiling fan can brighten up a room, and cool it down at the same time. The extra air circulation makes a room fresh, and the aesthetic accent can certainly enhance an otherwise dull ceiling. One of the oldest ways to chill out, ceiling fans are a welcome addition to any room be it classic,…
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About Generator Power
A portable generator is just what the name implies: it is meant for portable and non-permanent applications. While an excellent choice for job sites and camping trips, a portable generator simply isn’t designed to do the work that a stationary generator can do. In a pinch, a portable generator may be able to provide your…
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Powerful Electrical Upgrades
With the large amount of electrical equipment found in the modern home, it’s no wonder that electrical upgrades are becoming more common. Handling the electrical needs of today’s homeowner is no small task, and to keep everything running smoothly, new electrical wiring is often a necessity, especially in homes built many decades ago. If you…
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Electrical Wiring Project Checklist
There are many reasons why modern homeowners find that an electrical upgrade is needed in one room or another. Not only do today’s homeowners have far more electrical needs than previous generations, but older electrical wiring is sometimes far too outdated to safely run the expensive, modern devices that are common in many homes. Before…
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Adding a Home Wet Bar
While a liquor cabinet provides better storage than throwing your liquor bottles under the sink, a home wet bar will give your setting the full culture of entertainment with ease. When you’re entertaining guests, you don’t want to spend all night fixing drinks. You can go from one cabinet to find a drinking glass to…
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Upgrading Electrical Circuits
Our modern lifestyles now include many new technologically advanced products that challenge old electrical services. If you’re remodeling an older home, odds are your local building department will require you to upgrade your electrical service to 100 amps. Why? It’s to ensure that there’s enough power in the home for all the modern electrical needs…
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