What is lead paint? When added to paint, lead helps it dry more quickly and resist moisture. These additives also increase durability and maintain appearance over time. The most common pigments used in interior and exterior paint are: lead chromate, or “chrome yellow” lead oxide, or “red lead” lead carbonate, or “white lead” However, in…
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Five Home Projects to Address Immediately After Your House Has Flooded
The impact a Category 3 or 4 hurricane can have on your most valuable asset – your home – can be disastrous, and incredibly overwhelming. Depending on the storm and its staggering effects, homeowners might face a number of devastating problems: from feet of standing water in the living room, to trees and debris spread…
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Kitchen Safety: Cooking with Kids
When tackling food preparation chores in the home, safety is important to avoid cooking-related injuries or other hazards like kitchen fires. With a focus on safety and creativity, the whole family can enjoy spending time together while preparing healthy, delicious meals and snacks. Parents and children can spend enjoyable time together bonding as children learn…
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Pool Safety Guide for Homeowners
There is a type of pool for everyone, every space and every purpose. Thanks to advances in construction and more available materials, traditional in-ground pools can take on about any look. Whether you opt to DIY with an above-ground kit or hire a pool company to install an inground style, safety is key. Unfortunately, this…
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Child Safety Guide: How to Keep Kids Safe When They’re Home Alone
From a child home sick from school to a last-minute babysitter cancellation, no matter how organized and well-prepared you are, there will come a time when you have to trust one or more of your children to stay home on their own. Take the time to educate your children about home safety so they feel…
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Backyard Playground and Deck Safety for Your Home
When the weather gets warm, families with kids naturally move their daily activities outdoors to enjoy the sun and comfortable temperatures. As kids run and play outside, they get beneficial exercise, which helps them get stronger and stay healthy. However, it’s important to monitor and supervise children’s play to keep them safe. Even around the…
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Water Cycle and the Importance of Purification
Water treatment is the process of transforming surface water sources into water that is safe to drink. Some surface water sources occur naturally, such as lakes and rivers. Other sources are man-made reservoirs designed to collect drinking water. When water sources are engineered, scientists work to mimic natural processes as much as possible. Water treatment…
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Fireplace and Wood Stove Safety and First Aid
Fire safety is an important issue that every family should address. Accidental fires can happen to anyone and at any time. Often, home fires are due to human negligence such as inattentive behavior or caused by faulty wiring or another type of mechanical failure in the home. As a result, people should have rules about…
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Flash Flood Safety and Damage Prevention Guide
Flooding is the number one natural disaster occurrence in the United States. While many homeowners might be more worried about the risk of fire, which is also a very dangerous and serious concern, your home might actually be at a higher risk for damage from water than flames. In fact, all 50 states have experienced…
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The Most Common In-Home Injuries for Seniors and How to Prevent Them
As we age, we strive to keep the independence we gained throughout our lives. This is no easy task. Bodies become worn and weakening from years of use. Our brains are full of a lifetime of experiences and information, causing our cognitive functions to slow. Illness and injury, be it temporary or terminal, seem to…
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