Doing household tasks on your own is a wonderful thing, especially if you are looking to save some money. But you need to be aware of your limitations when you decide to take things into your own hands. If you want to rearrange furniture in your house or move furniture up or down the stairs,…
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When and Why You Need Experts to Lift and Move Heavy Items at Home
It is well known that moving services are offered by a wide range of companies to assist homeowners when moving between homes. Another offering by some of these companies, and many individuals, is internal moving, or the service of lifting and moving heavy items within your house. The physically demanding nature of the job means…
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How Much Does it Cost to Install or Assemble Fitness Equipment?
Updated September 2017 Fitness has become an indispensable part in most Americans’ lives. Many people prefer to engage in physical exercise in their own homes. It is important to dedicate a separate space in the home for sports and fitness activities. But it is equally important to understand the cost of installation of the equipment…
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Cost of Hiring a Household Assistant
Updated September 2017 Hiring a household assistant is the best solution if don’t have enough time to juggle your home and work life. A household manager or personal assistant efficiently and independently provides you with a smoothly running home. They can make your life easier by giving personalized support for you and your family. The…
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Cost of Wall Mounting Services for TV, Art, Mirrors and Chandeliers
Updated September 2017 Mounting objects on the wall involves drilling, lifting, and installing, all of which can get trick for inexperienced homeowners. Licensed professionals with many years of experience can help you not only install your TV, art, mirrors, and chandeliers, but also suggest the best location to mount each to suit the ambience of…
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How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Errand Service?
PHoto: Rh2010 / Adobe Stock The average cost of hiring an errand service is $30 per hour. Depending on the area you live in, the type of service you need, and when you need it, you may spend just $15 per hour or as much as $100 per hour. Hiring help for those everyday tasks…
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How Much Do Garden and Yard Work Services Cost?
Your garden can a subtle and elegant way of showing off your personality to your neighbors. Yard maintenance costs often vary from $130 to $400 per month. Homeowners spend approximately 5-10 percent of the value of their home on landscaping. When landscaping and gardening are done right, the value of your home can go up…
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How Much Does Furniture Assembly Cost?
Updated September 2017 Assembling furniture alone can be tedious and time consuming. Following elaborate instruction and compiling the right tools, parts, and spares for installation could be a devil of a job. With one wrong move, the entire project could go downhill. To ensure the safety and stability of the furniture, it is best to…
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