A game room is a place set aside for fun. Whether you’re converting a small bedroom or office or you’ve got a whole basement to work with, a game room is a welcome addition to any home. But getting the most from this room involves a lot more than just plugging in your TV and…
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Interior Decoration: Feng Shui, Function, and Fads
When it comes to interior home decor, it’s important to keep in mind how a room feels as well as how it looks. Interior decoration can say as much about a property as the house itself. More than most other elements of a home, how you decorate is incredibly dependent on your budget. Feng Shui…
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The Nuances of Country Decor
Even if it occurs after the walls have gone up and the floors have gone down, home decorating should be a lot more than just an afterthought for creating the home that’s ideal for you. Finding a decorating theme is a great jumping off point for your home decorating, and country décor is one of…
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Speaking the Language of Home Accents
Home accents are furnishings, features and installations that enhance your home’s décor and are usually best when they mix decorative qualities and functionality. Home accents can be anything from a fireplace to a clock, chandeliers to tiny candle holders. They are the backbone of any decorating style and the delicate skin of your home’s interior….
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Matching Functionality and Effect with Contemporary Lighting Design
Nobody’s really sure what contemporary lighting is. It’s a lot easier to say what it isn’t. The single ceiling light in the middle of the room with floral pattern of frosted glass isn’t contemporary lighting. The bendable, clip-on desk lamp isn’t exactly the precursor to contemporary track lighting. Perhaps the essence of contemporary lighting is…
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Universal Design
Before World War II, homes in this country were built one at a time. Afterwards, pent-up demand inspired builders to mass-produce homes and standardize design details. In order to get those designs just right, builders looked for ergonomic data — information about how the human body moves and how much space is needed to comfortably…
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Roaring Retro: Art Deco Interior Design
The term “art deco” is ambiguous to say the least. It is a style generally associated with the roaring twenties that took a dive in popularity during WWII. Art deco has its roots in Cubism, Modernism, and Art Nouveau. It is characterized by repetition on a theme, and a look that appeared “modern” during its…
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Curio Cabinets: Both Contemporary and Traditional
Possessions that you would consider “prized” belong not in a box in the garage or on a dusty shelf, but on display so everyone can enjoy them. Though some larger items might need to be mounted on their own (that Picasso that’s been hiding in the attic might require an entire room to itself), a…
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Enhance Home Design with Decorative Leaded Glass
Few glass making techniques have a longer or more storied history than decorative leaded glass. Also known popularly as a stained glass, leaded glass has been used in homes and churches for hundreds of years to add color and tradition to any space. And while most homeowners think of gothic cathedrals and pictures of bible…
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Formal Dining Rooms: 5 Makeover Tips
Have you ever noticed there’s always one room in the house that never gets used? Why is that? Typically it’s because of one of two reasons: 1) nobody knows exactly what to do with the space, or 2) the area feels too stuffy and impersonal. These are usually the main problems with formal dining rooms….
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