The look and feel of a chandelier gives any room a sense of luxury and history. They have been used for centuries to light some of the most elegant settings humans have ever known. In many cases, these antique chandeliers were made of wrought iron by master craftsmen. Fortunately, this material is extremely durable, and…
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3 Benefits of Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Older models of fluorescent light bulbs weren’t designed for in-home use. But newer fluorescent bulbs are perfectly suited to ease your lighting and energy efficiency needs. Here’s a quick guide to the benefits of using fluorescent bulbs. Energy efficiency. Fluorescent bulbs screw into most household sockets and offer energy saving benefits. You can expect to…
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Outdoor Lighting Saves the Home
Though it may not be obvious sometimes, outdoor lighting can be just as intricate and luxurious as indoor lighting. More people see the outside of your house, yet we still spend so much on fixtures, chandeliers, and sconces for the inside. You invest in exterior siding, painting, landscaping, and home repair, so why not let…
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Pool Table Lights and Lighting Design
Whether you’ve already bought a pool table or are just thinking about it, providing that table with good lighting can be just as important as the table itself for quality play. Pool table lighting must provide consistent levels and areas of illumination during both the night and day. Plus, good pool table lighting should also…
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Shedding Some Light on Wall Sconces
Most people don’t notice the value and beauty that wall sconces add to a room because subtlety is their main purpose. They create general or accented light while still remaining discreet and unobtrusive. Not only are they a significant source of ambient light, they also add a decorative flair to any room. Their function is…
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The Decorative Eyes of an Outdoor Lighting Contractor
You may be able to install simple low voltage outdoor lighting by yourself, but for truly dramatic lighting, hiring an outdoor lighting contractor is the way to go. Not only do these contractors have years of experience in outdoor lighting design, there’s a good chance they have access to outdoor lighting fixtures not available to…
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Matching Functionality and Effect with Contemporary Lighting Design
Nobody’s really sure what contemporary lighting is. It’s a lot easier to say what it isn’t. The single ceiling light in the middle of the room with floral pattern of frosted glass isn’t contemporary lighting. The bendable, clip-on desk lamp isn’t exactly the precursor to contemporary track lighting. Perhaps the essence of contemporary lighting is…
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The Track Lighting Revival
Track lighting is back again. This throwback from the 70s is making a big splash on businesses, galleries, restaurants, and homes across the globe. But this is not your garden variety track lighting from way back when that went out of style for good reason. This new spin on an old idea is stylish, subtle,…
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Glass Chandeliers and Chandelier Lighting
Few things exude elegance like a chandelier. The ambiance created by chandelier lighting is often soft, but compelling at the same time; it is a look that is difficult to emulate. There are a vast number of designs on the market, and those homeowners looking to buy one will be impressed at the wide variety…
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Transform Your Bathroom with New Lighting
Many homeowners grow weary of walking into that same old bathroom day after day. Before you spend your kid’s college tuition on a full bathroom remodel, think about installing new lighting instead. Properly designed and installed bathroom lighting can make an old bathroom feel like new overnight. Focus on the Important Areas When it comes…
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