The problem with most of us is we are inflexible. Sure, we like to believe we would do the right thing, the most logical solutions. What is funny is during heavy times like the holidays, we wind up tripping over ourselves doing reckless things because we are afraid to change our systems. Here are a…
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Fall and Winter Landscape
When fall is fast approaching and winter rains are not far behind, it is a good time to start planning your landscape improvements to solve drainage problems that might have surfaced last winter, clean up any mess left by last year’s water, and create an attractive new yard that will help prevent property damage in…
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10 Tips to Prevent Frozen Pipes in Your Home
Photo: CatLane / iStock/ Getty Images Plus / Getty Images Homeowners—especially those who live in cold areas—face the challenge of frozen water in the pipes during winter. When water freezes in a pipe, it expands, increases the pressure inside the pipe, and can cause the pipe to burst. A burst water pipe can cause flooding…
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Money, Geography Determine when to Open and Buy A Pool
Logistically, you can open your pool as soon as you’re sure the temperature won’t hit freezing and cause your water to freeze. Of course, few homeowners need their pools open this early, but wait too long and you’re likely to miss out on that first sterling, 85-degree spring day. If you have a basic pool…
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Santa Claus is Coming to Town — Is your Chimney Ready for Him?
Before you light the Yule log this holiday season, it’s a good idea to make sure your chimney is prepared to handle it. Though often neglected, chimney cleaning is essential if you want your Christmas to be as safe as it is jolly. The good news is, chimney cleaning is not just quick, but affordable,…
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Checklist: Preparing Your Home for the Holidays
Whether your guests are staying just for the day or will be overnight visitors, this holiday checklist will help make your home as inviting and comfortable as possible. Entrance Make sure walkways and porches are free of ice and snow. Taking someone to the emergency room because of a fall is not the way you…
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Checklist: Cold Weather Survival Tips
The best way to get through cold weather is to be prepared for it. In areas where long periods of cold weather are simply a part of life, having a winterized house is extremely important. As fuel and electricity costs continue to rise, knowing the best and most effective ways to keep your home warm…
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Spring Cleaning Myths & Mistakes
Many of us learned our cleaning habits growing up. Like other home remedies, for every spring cleaning tip that has served us well over the years is another one that is all smoke-and-mirrors. Here are some common spring cleaning myths and mistakes that either don’t get things cleaned as they should or waste valuable time…
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Home Winterization
In some areas of the U.S., home winterization is not a big deal. Places like southern Florida and southern California may get a touch of winter chill from time to time, but problems like freezing pipes and frost heave are virtually unheard of. That being said, home winterization is something that homeowners in just about…
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Snow Removal Tips
Every year hundreds of people injure their backs, or worse, by shoveling snow. Snow removal may be a necessity if it snows frequently, but it is also a physical activity that should be carefully undertaken. However, there are some tips that can help alleviate this hassle and keep you and your back safe so that…
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