In partnership with This Old House, HomeAdvisor is pleased to offer you complimentary access to Home Concierge, an exclusive service providing a dedicated personal assistant to coordinate all of your home project needs. Sign up today!

Managing your home doesn’t have to be stressful. Whether you’re looking for quick repairs or tackling a major remodel, your concierge will ensure that you receive outstanding service and quality on every project.

Your concierge will provide:

Hand Selected Top Pros
Our advisors personally select our highest rated pros and help you connect

Live Support
Call or email us anytime

Scheduled Appointments
Tell us your time frame and we will coordinate scheduling on your behalf

Popular Upgrades and Annual Maintenance

Home Concierge is the perfect resource to help with any project around your home, big or small.

About HomeAdvisor’s Network

HomeAdvisor is proud have the most robust pro network in the country, numbering over 160,000 professionals across 500 home service categories. Our pros must undergo our rigorous screening process that includes state licensing verification, criminal records search, legal search for civil judgments, identity verification, and a sex offender search.

For more detailed information about our screening process, please visit: