Enhance your Storage Space with a Wardrobe System
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Let's not beat around the bush. Americans are obsessed with their clothes, and any innovation that makes storing them in a more efficient manner is sure to turn heads. A wardrobe system is the home improvement industry's answer to that need. From walk-in closets and dressing rooms to built-in closet organizers, there are a number of options out there for homeowners to choose from that are guaranteed to make everything from clothing storage to getting dressed in the morning a more pleasant experience.
Do you Need a Wardrobe System?
This is an easy question for most homeowners to answer. Are you strapped for space when it comes to storing your clothes? Is your bedroom furniture littered with garments that don't have a home? Do you get frustrated finding that perfect blouse, suit, skirt, or tie? Is navigating your bedroom closet a dangerous affair? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then modifying your current system is a good idea. A well-designed storage system has the potential to improve the overall look of your bedrooms and other living areas, can improve your home's overall organization (i.e. reducing clutter), and can even improve your quality of life, since you won't have to waste valuable time trying to find what you're looking for.
The Luxury Wardrobe System
If you have the space for it, by far the best system you can invest in is a walk-in closet. Evaluate your master bedroom and adjoining rooms, and look to see where you might be able to sacrifice space in order to have one of these wonderful additions built onto your home. What walk-in closets provide, above all, is space. No matter how many shirts, pants, skirts, blouses, and shirts you have, a walk in closet is sure to get them off your bed and bureau and onto a hanger or shelf.
Wardrobe System Upgrade #1: The Walk-in Dressing Room
Of course, if you're adding a walk-in closet to your home, why not go all the way? Custom closet designers and contractors can turn that walk-in closet into a veritable oasis if you're willing to invest the funds. Built-in cabinets, bureaus, mirrors, and even benches and sitting areas, can make your new walk-in closet a place you'll want to spend time instead of get in and out of. And with all your garment items having a designated space where they belong, you'll be increasing your organization and overall efficiency as well.
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Bedroom Remodel
A Wardrobe System for the Spatially Challenged
Of course, we all don't have residences or bank accounts large enough to accommodate a full walk-in closet or dressing room remodel. Never fear. Built-in closet organizers can work wonders, as can custom-made or mass-produced stand alone wardrobe closets. In fact, believe it or not, there are organizing consultants out there who specialize in helping you to make the most out of the space you do have to work with.
Hiring a Contractor
If you're interesting in installing a new wardrobe system in your home, first take into account the size of the project you're thinking of and contact the appropriate contractor about getting your job done. Most general contractors would be happy to take on a major walk-in closet addition or remodel, though there are contractors out there who have made these upgrades their specialty. Otherwise, talk to interior decorators or organizing consultants about what you can do with your space. And if you're a do it yourselfer, research, research, and research some more. There are a number of wardrobe designs, closet organizers, and other solutions that a home handyman can tackle to solve the ever-present problem of clothes storage and display.
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