Finding and Interviewing Elderly Caregivers
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Elderly caregivers provide a range of services, including personal services (such as bathing and eating help), housekeeping work, and companionship. Their schedules can also vary widely, from a few hours a week to around-the-clock. Once you've decided that one of your loved ones could benefit from an in-home caregiver, it's time to begin the interviewing process.
Finding Elderly Caregivers
There are two main ways to find an in-home caregiver. One is by using an agency, which often will set you up with a few potential candidates so you and your loved one can see which one is the best match. The other is to look for an independent caregiver. Independent caregivers are often less expensive than going through an agency, though using an agency relieves you of the legal burdens of being the employer.
Questions to Ask Elderly Caregivers
1. What drew you to caregiving? You can learn a lot about the provider's personality from their answer and, in this way, can test the sort of match they'd make with your loved one.2. What's your caregiving experience? Ask for, and contact, references. Note how long they've stayed with clients and/or agencies.
3. What caregiving training have you had? At the very least, elderly caregivers should be certified in CPR. Depending on your loved one's situation, you might also want someone who is trained in first aid or physical therapy. Some caregivers may have completed a state training program, and some agencies offer ongoing caregiver education, covering such topics as nutrition, skin and infection control, and how to manage chronic conditions.
4. How would you plan a typical day with my loved one? An experienced caregiver should have a ready answer to this question. An average day should consist of grooming and other personal care tasks, meal preparation and consumption, housekeeping, light exercise, social activity, and possibly errands. Look for candidates to have specific suggestions for each category. This is also the time to ask about their organizational tools. An ideal candidate will be able to show you their scheduler, where they keep track of their work schedule, client doctor's appointments, etc.
5. Do you have dependable transportation? If the caregiver will be responsible for transporting your loved one (to appointments and on errands), then they'll need their own car. Make sure it's in good repair and will be easy for your loved one to get in and out of (i.e. not too low to the ground or too high).
6. How will you report back to me? Elderly caregivers should keep you in the loop about your loved one's condition. Agencies should have a reporting template, where caregivers log the day's activities, meals, medication taken, etc. If you hire an independent caregiver, you'll want to establish a similar system. Also be sure to set clear guidelines about what situations warrant immediate contact.
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Background Checks for Elderly Caregivers
If you hire a caregiver through an agency, the agency will have completed the background check. If you hire an independent caregiver, then you'll want to do have one done yourself. Background checks vary from state to state, but most include social security number confirmation (that the person is who they say they are) and criminal records. Some states will include both felony and misdemeanor convictions, and some will also provide arrest records. If the caregiver will be transporting your loved one, it's also a good idea to check their driving record.More Tips & Advice For Your Home
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