You’ll need 1 gallon of paint per 350 square feet of coverage. Typical amounts per room size:
Small room (200-400 sq. ft.): 1 gallon.
Medium-sized (400-800 sq. ft.): 2-4 gallons.
Large (800-1,200 sq. ft.): 5-gallons or more.
Painters usually make $20 per hour on average or about $40,000 per year. Independent contractors might pocket a little more. However, they must charge for overhead, such as vehicles, equipment, insurance, marketing and association dues.
Specialty painting, like murals and trompe l’oeil, costs $40 to $50 per hour. Paint might range between $75 to $90. The professional’s skill and experience are also determining factors. While a freelance artist might charge $25 to $30 an hour, a very skilled professional might charge $80 or more. Some might also charge $60 or more for a consultation.
Trompe l'oeil creates a realistic image or optical illusion in three dimensions. Murals are composed on a wall of any size. These two projects vary in price, with a trompe l'oeil typically costing more because of its complexity. Both are considered specialty projects.