How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Feng Shui Consultant?

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feng shui consultant working on home project
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Hiring a feng shui consultant costs $0 on average, with a typical range between $0 and $0. Prices vary depending on location, size of the house or space, number of people living in the home, and the type of consultation selected. You might pay as little as $200 for a one-room online consultation, and large whole-house services could cost up to $3,000.

Feng Shui Consultant Prices

Feng shui consultant pricing structures differ. Some charge hourly rates, some charge by total square feet, others charge a flat rate for the number of rooms in a house or the type of service they’re offering.

Cost per Hour

Feng shui consultations typically range from around $100 to $400 per hour, depending on the location and experience of the consultant. Even the most straightforward consultation will usually last at least two hours.

Cost per Room

Some consultants charge a flat rate per room or house size. For example, some charge a different price for a one-story home compared to a two- or three-story home. The number of occupants in the home can also affect the price you’ll pay.

Expect to pay on average around $200 to $500 per bedroom and between $500 to $1,500 or more for a whole-house consultation.

Cost per Square Foot

Charging by square foot isn’t as common, but some consultants do use this method. Expect to pay anything from around $0.50 to $2 per square foot.

Feng Shui Consultant Cost Factors

Various factors can influence how much you will pay to hire a feng shui consultant.

Size of Home

A consultation for a large home with multiple bedrooms will typically cost more than one for a one-bedroom apartment.


Feng shui consultants working in big cities where their services are more in demand, such as New York or Los Angeles, will usually charge more than those working in rural locations.

Experience of Consultant

Consultants with many years of experience and a portfolio of high-profile clients will have a higher rate than those recently qualified.

Digital or In-Person Consultation

Digital consultations often cost less than those that require the consultant to visit the client’s home in person. Depending on the location, in-person visits may also incur additional travel expense fees.

However, there’s more work required on the client’s end for digital consults. This often includes supplying detailed floor plans, photos and in-depth questionnaire information.

Consultation Complexity

If you want a comprehensive feng shui home staging package before putting your home on the market, this will typically cost more than a basic residential consultation. Decluttering services can also cost more if your home hasn’t had a clear out in some years.

Some consultants offer optional bagua energy maps, written reports, and follow-up consultations, which can add to the cost.

Number of People Living in the Home

Many consultants charge an add-on fee for each additional person living in the home, so it may cost more for a family of four than a person living on their own in a house of the same size.

DIY vs. Hire a Feng Shui Pro

If you’re familiar with the basic principles of feng shui, you could take some simple steps to improve the layout and energy of your home. There are comprehensive online resources and even reputable courses that you could invest your money in.

However, it’s a complex philosophy with many nuances. Unless you can devote the time (and possibly money) to understanding it fully, you’ll see much better results when you hire a local feng shui professional.


How do I know my feng shui consultant has the right experience?

Although there’s no overall official certification for feng shui consultants, many feng shui schools and masters offer reputable courses. A good place to start is the International Feng Shui Guild. It’s a professional non-profit organization that has a directory of reputable and qualified consultants.

As well as their pricing structure, look at prospective consultants' portfolios, testimonials, and experience. You may also want to know whether they follow classical or contemporary feng shui principles.

Can my interior designer help me with feng shui?

Some interior designers also have training in the principles of feng shui. If you’re hiring a local interior designer during a home renovation, but you also want to incorporate feng shui into your space, it would make sense to look for one that can support you in this element at the same time.

What are some of the benefits of hiring a feng shui consultant?

Hiring a feng shui consultant can help you achieve harmony and balance in your living spaceby aligning your energy with your surroundings. It won’t just help you feel better about your home; it may also help you improve other aspects of your life—like stress levels, love, health, and finances.

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