How Much Does Bee Removal Cost?

Normal Range: $1 - $1,500
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wild beehive in tree full of bees
Photo: ViktoriiaNovokhatska / Adobe Stock
wild beehive in tree full of bees
Photo: ViktoriiaNovokhatska / Adobe Stock
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Bee removal costs an average of $450 though it can range anywhere from $0 to $1,500 or more. Structural infestations—with needed wall removal—are the most expensive type. The resulting carpentry costs can push the total price towards $2,500 or above. In most cases, a beekeeper is the best way to remove a beehive or swarm and often work in concert with local and national pest control companies.

Many states, such as Florida, Maine, and Arizona, regulate extermination and removal since bees are a vital part of our ecosystem. Check with your state government's agriculture division and your local city government for any special bee extermination provisions. Always call a beekeeper or licensed professional for identification and removal. Bees pollinate at least 30% of our food supply and 90% of wild plants.

Whenever possible, relocate live swarms away from your property rather than exterminate. However, do not attempt to remove a hive yourself. It's dangerous due to misidentifying bees as hornets or risking a confrontation with the aggressive Africanized Honey Bee.

Average Bee Removal Cost

Average CostHigh CostLow Cost

Average Cost of Bee Removal by Type

Different types of bees come with special considerations. While it costs anywhere from $75 to $2,000 for a typical honey bee hive, other types may require less work, and some are even suitable for DIY projects. If you have an allergy to stings or suspect you might, do not attempt removal yourself.

The first step in determining how to deal with any type of infestation is identification. A local beekeeper or bee removal specialist is the best equipped to do this.

Type of BeeCost Range per TreatmentAverage Cost per Treatment
Carpenter Bee$100 – $2,500$1,300
Honey Bee$100 – $1,000$550
Bumble Bee$80 – $200$140
Killer Bee$150 –$800$475

Carpenter Bee Removal  

Carpenter bee removal costs between $100 and $2,500, with most people paying around $1,300. The higher end of the budget is for instances where carpentry repairs are required. Carpenter bees aren't particularly aggressive, and only the females sting. However, they can cause extensive damage to wood.

As their name suggests, carpenter bees make their home in wood by burrowing inside. You'll commonly find them in decks and attics, and they can cause significant structural damage if you don't have them removed right away.

Honey Bee Removal 

Removing honey bees costs around $550, or between $100 and $1,000. The broad cost range is because where they nest dictates how difficult they are to remove and how much you'll pay. Additionally, honey bee nests can hold up to 50,000 bees and cover a huge area. You may find a local beekeeper willing to remove and rehome the honey bees free of charge, as they get new bees for their hives. You'll need to pay for professional removal if nobody is willing to take them.

Bumble Bee Removal 

The typical price of bumble bee removal is $140, with a range of just $80 to $200. The cost of removing bumble bees is comparatively low because they don't damage property, their nests are small, and they're calm and non-aggressive unless threatened.

Bumble bees nest in or close to the ground, and they don't tend to nest close to properties and, because the nests are small, holding only up to 50 bees, many people don't bother having them removed unless they become a significant problem.

Africanized Honey Bee or "Killer Bee" Removal

Killer bees, or Africanized honey bees, cost between $150 and $800 to remove, with most people spending around $425. These aggressive bees don't cause structural damage to your home, but they are quick to attack and tend to attack and sting in large numbers. Their aggressive nature and tendency to swarm make them very dangerous, as large numbers of stings can cause significant illness or even prove fatal to anyone, even those not allergic to bee stings.

Bee Swarm vs. Hive Removal Costs

Removing an established nest is generally much more challenging than removing a swarm, and the costs reflect that. Whether you're dealing with a swarm or a hive, it's best to call a pro to deal with the problem so you don't risk getting stung.

Bee Hive Removal 

Getting rid of a hive can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000, depending on the type of bee, nest size, and nest location. However, a local beekeeper may come and take a swarm of honey bees for free to add to their existing colonies. 

Bee Swarm Removal

Swarms are the cheapest type of infestation to remove, costing anywhere from $0 to $150. A swarm is a group of bees, usually with a queen, looking for a new home. Since they have no hive to defend, they are very docile and easy to control. They are generally located in the open and require minimal equipment and removal time.

Free Bee Removal

Most of the time, you'll pay for removal. It's a highly specialized process requiring specific tools and equipment. It also takes a lot of time to remove a hive, especially if you’re attempting live hive relocation. In some cases, a local beekeeper will remove easy-to-access hives for free if they are healthy; they get a hive and buckets of honey, and you get a bee-free home.

Bee Removal Cost Factors

A number of factors influence the cost of bee removal, ranging from the type of bee and the size and location of the nest or swarm, to the cost to repair any damage the colony caused during their stay.

Size of the Infestation

How many bees are in the hive determines how much you'll pay because the larger the hive, the more time-consuming and difficult the removal is. Smaller infestations can cost as little as $80, while a severe one can cost up to $2,500.

Size of InfestationRange of Cost Per TreatmentAverage Cost Per Treatment
Small$80 – $200$140
Medium$250 – $600$425
Large$700 – $1,200$950
Severe$1,500 – $2,500$2,000


Bees nesting in your yard cost less to remove than those that nest close to or in your home. Additionally, when nests are behind walls, which is common with honey bees, the nests can be large and particularly difficult to get rid of. Carpenter bees, too, can be costly to remove, as they nest deep in wood, like your deck or your attic, and the damage they do can be expensive to repair. 


Because some bees cause damage to your property with their nest locations, you'll need to budget for the cost of repairs.

Drywall Repair Costs$275 – $750$510
Ceiling Repair Prices$300 – $1,000$650
Deck Repair Costs$250 – $2,500$1,375
Soffit Replacement Fees$6 – $20 per linear foot$13 per linear foot
Crawl Space Pest Removal Fees$150 – $500$325
Cost to Repair Trim$310 – $1,130$720
Siding Repair Costs$340 – $1,340$840

Bee Extermination vs. Relocation Costs

Extermination always comes with a fee, anywhere from $150 to $500 or more. Relocation is sometimes free when a hive is healthy and done by a beekeeper. However, you can still expect to pay a removal specialist between $100 and $1,000. It all depends on hive accessibility, type, and location.

Always relocate a healthy hive rather than exterminate it. Hive numbers are on the decline due to Colony Collapse Disorder. Their impact on agriculture and ecosystems means keeping these creatures alive is a top priority.

Most large extermination companies recommend calling a local beekeeper and working alongside them to facilitate live relocation when possible. But live removal isn't always an option. Only a licensed professional, expert, or experienced beekeeper can determine if live removal is possible or if extermination is warranted.

However, if you have wasps or hornets, extermination is usually the recommended option, and you'll need to cover pest control services costs to tackle the nest.

Live Bee Relocation

A beekeeper or bee removal specialist carries out live removal. They first inspect the hive, determine if live relocation is possible, and then attempt to remove them using various methods.

Most specialists leave a swarm collection box to collect scout bees in the evening. Scouts hunt the surrounding area for food, returning in the evening. With no queen present they often form a queenless swarm. Uncollected hiveless bees eventually die.

Beehive Extermination Considerations

Not all hives are savable. Safety issues due to the Africanized Honey Bee have resulted in states regulating extermination and relocation. Pesticides sprayed by untrained homeowners result in an unhealthy and unusable colony. Always consult a professional pest removal specialist or beekeeper for nest relocation or extermination. Never attempt removal yourself without at least first identifying the type.

Tip: Ask your specialist if removal of the honey and honeycombs is part of the fee. If left behind, it can rot and attract other insects, pests, and other swarms looking for a home.

DIY vs. Hiring an Exterminator or Local Beekeeper

Most hives are not a DIY project except for carpenter bee removal. If you have an allergy, it's not a DIY project. It may also not be clear whether you've got a bee or a wasp infestation. Wasps can be more challenging; don’t attempt removing them by yourself. If you suspect wasps, pay for the cost of wasp removal by hiring an exterminator. 

Bees are beneficial and don't always need removal. The first step is to know when to call in bee experts to identify and assess the situation. Or, become an expert yourself— raise backyard bees for honey and pollination.

When you hear a thrumming buzz coming from overhead or inside a wall, it's always best to hire a local beekeeper or professional exterminator to identify and deal with the problem. 

Questions to Ask Your Beekeeper

Not all beekeepers are the same. Much like finding any professional, make sure yours has the knowledge, tools, and experience to deal with your infestation. Some places, like Florida, require beekeepers to have a pest removal license to deal with infestations.

  1. Are you licensed for bee removal?

  2. How much experience do you have in relocating hives?

  3. Do you relocate them alive?

  4. Do you remove the honeycomb and honey? (It's also a good idea to ask if you can keep some of the honey—some give it all to the homeowner).

  5. Do you have references?

  6. What professional associations do you belong to?

Frequently Asked Questions

Though it's not possible to prevent infestations 100%, here are some tips to follow to reduce the risk.

  • Be alert for swarms from March to July. This is when most are looking for a new home.

  • Keep clutter and junk out of your yard. Don't give them a suitable home.

  • Seal up the outside of your home. Cracks in soffits and siding give access to a dry, warm place to build a hive.

  • Remove all honey and honeycombs from previous infestations. They can attract swarms looking for a home.

Swarms of bees tend to stick around for just a few hours, although they can stay for two or three days. Given the right conditions, bee hives can last indefinitely, as bee colonies are self-sustaining. The queen is the heart of the hive and can live for up to five years. As she begins to age and weaken and her egg production drops, the worker bees kill her and begin to raise a new queen to take her place.

Worker bees live up to six months if born in the fall, but only 40 days when born in the spring or summer. Drones live between three weeks and three months. But the queen lays a steady stream of eggs that quickly mature to replace those that die.

If bees are collected early morning or late evening when most of the bees are in the hive, they most likely will not attempt to come back, as they'll stay with the queen in their new location. However, if there are enough stragglers, they may attempt to start a new colony in their old home if you haven't removed all traces of it. Make sure you remove all honey and honeycomb, seal any obvious points of entry, and try using bee repellent spray to keep them away.

Ideally, you should remove a bee’s nest very early in the morning or late evening, when all of the bees are in the hive. You can also do it after dark, if you can set up enough artificial light to see clearly.

Bees don't fly at night so, although they may buzz and make a little bit of a fuss, they won't fly or swarm, so you'll be able to get the whole colony out in one go, safely. The bees are at risk of being slightly more active in the early morning or late evening, but most of the bees will be in the colony, so you won't leave many stragglers behind.

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