Whether you should repair a dryer depends on its age and the quoted price of repair. For example, if the appliance is still below the life expectancy given by the manufacturer, it may be worth repairing.
Use the 50% rule: If the cost of repairing your dryer exceeds 50% of the cost of a new dryer, you’re better off buying a new one. Installing a new dryer costs between $300 and $2,000.
Dryers have a life span of eight to 12 years on average. Whether your dryer actually lasts that long depends on how often you use it and how well you maintain it. To keep your dryer in top shape and ensure it doesn’t break down prematurely, schedule an annual maintenance service. The service can include cleaning the dryer hoses and vents. Cleaning dryer vents cost between $100 and $180.
Heating elements in a dryer usually burn out if they overheat. A technician can help you identify the cause of overheating, but in most cases, it’s usually down to a lack of airflow, power surges, and faulty shut-off switches. Regular and correct duct maintenance, installing a surge protector, ensuring the circuit isn't overloaded, and replacing any broken switches can help keep your heating element from overheating and, by extension, burning out.
If the dryer belt breaks, the drum will no longer turn around and clothes won't dry properly, even if other components operate normally. The belt connects the drum (the part of the dryer where you load your clothes that circles around) to a motor. The belt can break due to damage from heat and normal wear and tear due to extended use.