A garden window differs from a bay window in design and functionality. Garden windows feature vertical, box-like sides that create a dedicated planter space, while bay windows have angled sides designed to enhance panoramic views. Garden windows are compact and ideal for displaying plants on a deep sill, whereas bay windows offer a broader, seating-friendly area that maximizes exterior light and views.
Purchasing used garden windows is not recommended, as older units may compromise energy performance and proper fit. Used windows can have hidden damage, warping, or poor seals that lead to drafts and additional repair costs. New garden windows provide optimal efficiency, reliable installation, and long-term savings by helping you avoid costly maintenance in the future.
Garden windows are not outdated; they continue to offer modern benefits by infusing interiors with abundant natural light and dedicated planter space. Advances in energy-efficient glazing and improved materials ensure that garden windows meet today’s design and performance standards. Their unique aesthetic and functional appeal maintain their value as a stylish home improvement choice.
Permit requirements for garden windows depend on the scope of the project. Structural changes or enlargements of the window opening typically require securing a permit. If simply replacing an existing window with one of the same size, a permit is generally not needed. Professional installers usually manage all permit processes to ensure full compliance with local building codes.