Mudjacking and foam jacking differ significantly in both materials and methods. Mudjacking uses a cement-based slurry to fill voids beneath a slab, while foam jacking uses expanding polyurethane foam delivered under high pressure to achieve superior structural support. This material distinction enhances load-bearing strength and overall stability in your repair.
Mudjacking takes between one and three days to dry completely. During this time, it's important to avoid putting weight on the slab until it's fully cured. The drying time depends on the project size and environmental conditions. In contrast, polyurethane foam used in foam jacking can cure in as little as one hour.
No, mudjacking is not a permanent fix for sinking concrete. While it effectively lifts the slab and can last five to 10 years, it doesn't address underlying soil issues that may cause future sinking. For a more permanent solution, you might consider foam jacking or complete slab replacement, which can address deeper structural problems.